IEP Coach + Postsecondary Transition Specialist

With our support, your student’s last day of school will look like the first day of the rest of their life!

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Everyone deserves a life of

Value, Purpose, and Belonging

Let’s make sure your student is prepared for the “real world!”

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How Can I Help You?

IEP & Postsecondary Transition Planning Consultation

Embark on a transformative journey tailored to meet the unique needs of special education parents of teens. Ā Gain clarity, confidence, personalized strategies and a future-ready roadmap aligned with your teens aspirations for adulthood.

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Learn On-Demand

Unlock the power of dreams with our 'Permission to Dream Big Course'ā€”a self-guided online journey empowering special educationĀ parents of teens, to craft a high-quality IEP Transition Plan to ensure a future where your teen's dreams know no bounds as they prepare for adulthood. Ā 

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“We love Mosaic Haven’s collaborative approach to our daughter’s IEP team. Lisa has ensured all conversations are student-centered to ensure the team creates a strength-based and meaningful IEP that works for our daughter’s unique needs. Our daughter is more prepared than we could of imagined to become an independent adult because of how Lisa worked with the IEP to ensure her goals were focused on preparing her for the future not just to meet core state standards.  This is the best investment we’ve made in our daughter’s life!” 

–Royln & Cheryl, Special Needs Parents 

Hi, I'm Lisa!

I’m on a mission to help parents cultivate a vision for the future of their special needs student after high school and provide the services needed to make that future happen!

I have unique first-hand experiences navigating the world of educational and medical systems for individuals with special needs — I myself was born blind and I’m blessed to be the mom of an autistic son.

Today, I offer customized services to help parents, teachers, and students dream big, find hope, and celebrate every success. Your special needs child deserves to live a joyful life and to thrive as an adult – and I’m here to help you make sure that happens.

Schedule a Consultation

Ready to Create a Plan for Your Child’s Continued Success After High School?

Schedule a Consultation